The busy beaver problem
The busy beaver problem¶
Let \(BB(n)\) be the largest number of \(\one\)s produced by any \(\one\hash\)-program with \(\leq n\) instructions which halts properly.
Theorem 3
There is no program \(\mathtt{beaver}\) such that for all \(n\)
Proof. Suppose that the \(\one\hash\) program \(\mathtt{beaver}\) computed \(BB\).
Let \(\mathtt{square}\) be a \(\one\hash\) program to compute \(n \to n^2\), using unary notation.
Consider the programs \(p_{n}\) for \(n\in N\), given by
\(\phifn_{p_{n}}(\ )\simeq \one^K\), where \(K = BB(n^2) + 1\).
Notice that the number of instructions in \(p_n\) is linear in \(n\). In fact, it is \(n + m\), where \(m\) is the total number of instructions in \(\mathtt{square}\) and \(\mathtt{beaver}\).
Let \(N\) be large enough so that \(N^2 > N+m\). Then
Exercise 41
Show that there is no total computable function \(f\colon\N\to\N\) such that for all \(m\), \(f(m) \geq BB(m)\).
Exercise 42
A common estimate for the number of atoms in the universe is \(M = 10^{82}\). Show that \(BB(50) > M\).